Professional Painting Insights

How Paint Reflects Your Brand Identity

The livelihood of your business or brand is based almost entirely on its marketing. Arguably, everything you do is marketing, from the quality of work you produce to how your team handles customer service interactions. Even the facade of your building can reflect brand identity. After all, would you prefer walking into a building with a shoddy paint job or one that looks bright, clean, and well-maintained?

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Exterior Painting, Residential Seth Pahmeier Exterior Painting, Residential Seth Pahmeier

6 Great Benefits of Exterior House Painting

It’s hard not to take paint for granted. As you drive down any road, it’s impossible to find a building that doesn’t have at least a little dash of paint on it. But if not for a few brush strokes, it just wouldn’t look right. But paint is more than just something nice to look at. There are plenty of benefits – both seen and unseen – with quality exterior house painting.

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