6 Great Benefits of Exterior House Painting

exterior house painting

A fresh coat of paint can go a long way in giving your home a new lease on life.

But did you know all the benefits of updating your home’s exterior?

It’s hard not to take paint for granted. As you drive down any road, it’s impossible to find a building that doesn’t have at least a little dash of paint on it. But if not for a few brush strokes, it just wouldn’t look right. But paint is more than just something nice to look at. There are plenty of benefits – both seen and unseen – with quality exterior house painting.

From protecting your home from the elements and unwanted pests to boosting property values (and even your confidence and mood), we’d like to explore some of the best things you can enjoy with a new coat of paint.

Exterior Paint Provides Weather Protection for Your Home

While you get to enjoy the majority of your time at home indoors, your house is constantly exposed to the elements. Rain, snow, hail, and the blistering summer sun are all common culprits but wind, smoke, and even high-pollen days can take their toll on both the materials your home is made from and any coatings used on them. Indeed, stains fade and paint cracks and chips, and with it, their protective properties lose their strength over time.

However, a fresh coat of exterior paint acts as a new shield blanketing your home, resealing any exposed materials, and providing a protective layer to buffer them from the weather. High-quality outdoor paints can also act as a moisture barrier, protecting your home from more than just rain.

Protection Against Factors That Harm Structural Integrity

Exterior paints that have moisture barriers can also save you a lot of money while giving you and your family peace of mind. That peaceful spring rain can turn into a lot of problems if your house isn’t properly sealed: water damage, mold growth, or a breeding ground for other kinds of pests that enjoy rotting wood are just a few. If left unchecked, these problems can cause numerous health and safety concerns, from getting sick to parts of your house falling apart.

By keeping your home’s exterior shielded with a good coat of paint, you can prevent these problems before they start, saving you time, money, and stress.

Pinpoint and Fix Damage

Though this benefit isn’t from the paint itself, it’s something you can enjoy as a part of the process. Since most of us don’t thoroughly inspect our home’s exterior regularly, painting is a great way to be aware of any problems, damages, or other areas of concern. If you decide to hire a professional painting company, most painters have a keen eye for detail, helping you find hard-to-spot damage from mold or mildew, water stains, or potential infestations. For instance, what might seem like little black specks of dirt can turn out to be artillery fungus stuck to your siding. 

With that in mind, not everything can just be painted over and forgotten; a professional can help you identify problems and suggest solutions before they turn into bigger issues.

Update Your Home’s Style to the Current Trends

Whether you’ve had your home for a few decades or you’re a brand new first-time homeowner, exterior house painting can give your home a much-needed makeover. A fresh coat of paint with some new colors can improve your home’s aesthetic and even make it look much newer than it is. The nice thing about this is that you don’t have to make a big project out of it either.

From touching up the window and door trim to giving your house a complete revamp, painting gives you a chance to update your home to current trends while still expressing your own personal style.

Boosts Your Home’s Value and Curb Appeal

Aside from saving money on repairs and pest removal, painting your home is an easy, comparatively low-effort way to improve your property’s value and curb appeal. Painting both the inside and outside of your home has a strong ROI; according to a survey done by HomeGain in 2012, exterior painting can yield a 55% ROI of added value to your home. Coupled with other projects such as landscaping, cleaning and removing clutter, and electrical and plumbing repairs, exterior painting remains within the top 10 projects that provide the most bang for your buck.

This ties in with other benefits we’ve listed as well: a home with a fresh coat of paint looks newer, more modern (especially if you follow trends), and can look more stylistically cohesive – meaning your home isn’t dealing with uneven wear and tear as paint might fade faster in different places.

Areas to consider repainting include siding, window, door, and gutter trim, entry and garage doors, decks, and fences.

Can Improve Mood and Confidence

It’s too easy to take our surroundings and their impact on our mental health for granted. Just like how much different it feels driving a washed and cleaned car vs. a dirty one, the same can be said about our homes. Aside from keeping your yard uncluttered and maintained, a well-painted porch, siding, and trim can be a surprisingly effective confidence boost.

Whether you paint your home in bright, bold colors or choose a more muted palette, a new coat of paint can be a great boost for your mood – especially if your neighbors haven’t kept up on their yards or homes’ exteriors.

Refresh Your Home’s Exterior with Icon Painting

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to giving your house a little love with a new coat of paint. From protecting your family to standing out in the neighborhood, exterior house painting is a comparatively quick and easy way to improve your home and enjoy all the advantages that come with it.

If you’d like to leave it to the professionals or learn more about exterior painting, reach out to the helpful experts at Icon Painting today.


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